Taking a hit of your own medicine - why is it so bitter?

I've let it slip.

I fully admit it.

During Lent 2017 I gave up refined sugar, lost a load of weight (healthily) and stopped eating meat.

Lent stopped and I started eating refined sugar...and everything else (not meat).

And now I'm where I weigh at least 20lbs more than I should and seemingly unable to do anything to stop putting food into my mouth when I'm full.

So I'm going to write a blog to someone else - someone who's having this issue but isn't me as I seemingly can't take my own advice.

Putting more food into your mouth than you need is an issue

It's an issue that is a way of avoiding a bigger issue

That bigger issue might be the real issue, but until you get to the bottom of it you won't know.

So here's what you're going to do:

Eat until the feeling of hunger goes, and then stop (there will always be food around if you get hungry again, this isn't the savannah)

There may be some uncomfortable feelings that surface, but those aren't hunger and they can't be solved by food.

The only way to address them is to face them, let them come, experience them and watch as they pass.

That's it.

It's December now, you're going to do this until Christmas day (you can do this for 20 days right? you're strong enough?)

We'll revisit this then.

Oh and btw, I love you.


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